Capture Growth through Market Realization, Accurate Product Development, Technology Innovation, Team Restructuring & Market Leadership Access

Market Advancement – Development – Team Leadership - M&A Integration

  • Accelerated Strategic Corporate Growth, Innovation, Development & Expansion
  • Targeted revenue acceleration and engagement
  • Accurate Technology Innovation, Vendor Sourcing and Partnerships
  • Thought Leadership, Market Avocation and Authority Creation
  • Market Evaluation/Restructuring for Active Adjustment/Capitalization
  • Extensive Global Executive Network Engagement
  • Post Production Studio Build
  • Corporate & Business Development/Training, Events & Workshops

The need to drive new revenues and customers has never been higher. New aspects of IP enabled streaming media and television services and accurate AI integration are accelerating both through product offerings and intelligent connections with audiences around the world are like never before!

Viewers are watching and producing more content, in more languages, on more platforms every day.

Understanding what drives engagement, open doors and accelerate business income is imperative!

We need to speak their language!

Now with IP being the main distribution accelerator in the overall M&E world, it is now key to meet expectations for a nearly endless content choice anytime, anywhere, and on any screen to drive business, operational and production changes for all media companies. In order to innovate at the speed the market is demanding requires not only is there a need for great ideas and products, but insight, flexibility in innovating and understanding on how new technologies, and especially AI, weave into an overall service or officering worldwide. A clarity in recognizing accurate media technologies, market strategies, creative production platforms, engaged and healthy teams, smart/AI solutions and especially partnerships that are designed to accelerate all aspects of the ecosystem of content production and delivery can drive revenues and engagement with each member of the right audience, at the right time, delivered to the right screen…this has never been more important.

That’s where PADEM comes in.

PADEM is a global provider of strategic and aggressive growth goal development – go-to-market, production build and management consulting practice with a unique differentiator – key market leadership access to exactly fit your needs and extensive expertise from over thirty years of dedicated participation and partnerships worldwide, PADEM can provide accurate connections to the worlds leaders in M&E, Films, Games and Education!

This is particularity key when addressing the streaming media development, content creation, localization and technology categories in the Media & Entertainment and Education industries. PADEM values the importance of technologies, idea creation and people by bringing years of dedicated hands on experience and expertise on where new media business decisions, evolved technical integrations, how things are put together and investments are made. PADEM understands what it takes to capitalize on market needs, trends and opportunities to build accurate execution strategies and products that leverage new content creation, program modeling, team engagement and platform development to expand audience connections and grow success.

PADEM Media Group is a collaboration of highly accomplished and proven senior technology, studio executives, localization experts, creative and market management executives who are driven and on a mission to make a difference in the advancement of advance streaming video, enhanced distribution networks, overall digital transformation and specifically on the importance of audience engagement. This focus is accomplished through an established methodology, expert level analysis, market & team leadership, strategic acceleration and accurate partnership development and perhaps most of all market avocation and execution worldwide for over 25+ years.

We work with extraordinary companies, inventors, scientists, producers, technologists, accomplished executives, studios, key individuals and high performing companies that range from innovative inventors and startups with disruptive ideas to multinational corporations looking for new paths and an accurate go-to-market edge in streaming media/OTT distribution, data/AI offerings and customer engagement worldwide.

Here’s what one of our clients recently had to say:

PADEM is led by founder Allan McLennan, who is one of the leading global advancement and market capitalization executives across the M&E/Streaming TV/video Modeling, Content production, Accurate Ops-AI, OTT technology, Adtech, CTV Ad insertion/measurement, full programming data development/analytics, pre/post cloud based production, operations, programming as well as restructuring and strategic M&A/investments.

PADEM has extensive, established executive relationships worldwide and additionally contributes on connected cities, volumetric production, data intelligence gained through connected devices, remote education as well as AI/ML autonomous vehicles.

Established in 2007, PADEM Media Group is based in SF/Silicon Valley USA and works with the world’s leading media technology corporations, broadcasters, carriers, data platforms, vMVPD’s – telecoms, media & IT companies (see clients) across cultures worldwide.

IP Reach


Our Clients

What We Do


Industry Analysis

  • Category Landscape ID
  • Competitive Evaluation
  • Technical & Commercial Diligence
  • Category Fuel Ideation
  • Strategic Planning Accuracy


Market Acceleration

  • Product Value Creation
  • Agile Strategy Development
  • Transformation / Relaunch
  • Market Advancement
  • International Marketing & messaging


Customer Acquisition

  • Accurate Targeting
  • Go-to-market strategy
  • Global Business Development
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • IP Digital technology partner integration


Corporate Management

  • Technical & Business Expertise
  • Team Leadership Alignment
  • Management Tools & Reporting
  • Operational optimization
  • M&A Planning and Integration

Speaking Engagements & Events


July 24, 2024 – Movie Time – A Good Movie Is a Good Movie No Matter Where It’s Seen

July 24, 2024 – Movie Time – A Good Movie Is a Good Movie No Matter Where It’s Seen

The three were able to increase their acquisition of international projects––not only to the delight of local governments, studios and audiences, but also to audiences in the Americas. A key ingredient was the speed and reasonable cost of using AI translation/postproduction tools by folks such as 2G Digital.

July 24, 2024

By: The Future of TV

July 5th, 2024 -> Friendly Foe – Neat Tools Are Needed to Help Creatives Deliver Fantastic Films, Shows

July 5th, 2024 -> Friendly Foe – Neat Tools Are Needed to Help Creatives Deliver Fantastic Films, Shows

In the film industry, AI will probably replace some people (executives?), but will help others advance to more responsible jobs. Ironically, will probably least affect those in the trades – key grips, electricians, craft services. Many in the industry are already using AI tools, others will have to adapt or ...

July 5, 2024

By: The Future of TV

April 1, 2024 – 2024 Has a World of Potential for the M&E Industry

April 1, 2024 – 2024 Has a World of Potential for the M&E Industry

Currently, the US accounts for 90 percent of the FAST market.  Studios, including Disney, WBD and Paramount are licensing more original and library projects to make them more attractive than just offering a pile of old stuff.  FAST providers will finally develop better ways of helping viewers find content they want

April 2, 2024

By: The Future of TV

NAB 2023 review: the first real glimpses of AI

NAB 2023 review: the first real glimpses of AI

The NAB Show celebrated its centenary in 2023 firmly looking to the future rather than the past. Acknowledging the rich heritage of broadcast, NAB itself started as a small conference in New York in 1923, the association is keen to ensure that broadcast remains relevant to regulators and consumers as the industry finds

April 28, 2023

By: CSI Magazine

March 6th, 2023 – “Address the Problem, Provide a Better Option”

March 6th, 2023 – “Address the Problem, Provide a Better Option”

“Piracy will always be part of the model,” Allan McLennan, Managing Director/Global Head of M&E Industry Strategy, PADEM Media Group, said, “but consumption rates will start to decelerate as the benefits of legal choices become more apparent especially now that there are options that are more flexible/economi

March 17, 2023

By: The Future of TV

Feb 27th, 2023 -> Variety, Cost Are Vital for Entertainment Success

Feb 27th, 2023 -> Variety, Cost Are Vital for Entertainment Success

We know Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, Spike Lee, George Lucas, Kathryn Bigelow, Tim Burton, Jennifer Lawrence, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Gosling, Scarlett Johansson, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Will Smith, Samuel L. Jackson, Tyler Perry, Idris Elba, Denzel Washington  and hundr

February 27, 2023

By: The Future of TV

Dec 5th, 2022 – CPS 2022 to Tackle All Corners of Securing Productions, Distribution

Dec 5th, 2022 – CPS 2022 to Tackle All Corners of Securing Productions, Distribution

The afternoon keynote “Perspective from Leadership” will see Simon Crownshaw, worldwide strategy director of media and entertainment for Microsoft, and Allan McLennan, founder, chief executive and global market technologist for Padem Media Group, follow up their discussion at IBC and dig deeper with their leadershi

January 9, 2023

By: MESA OnLine - CPS

January 4th, 2023 – Reset: Industry Needs to Consider the Viewing Public

January 4th, 2023 – Reset: Industry Needs to Consider the Viewing Public

The artful master of linguistics and baseball legend Yogi Berra has been quoted as saying, “When you come to a fork in the road, take It!” The problem for the video content industry is that there are too damn many forks, each has potholes, and everyone is certain his fork is the right one. The one thing every

January 9, 2023

By: MESA Online, Digital Dispaly & The Future.TV

Nov. 24, 2022 -> Viewers Overwhelmed With Entertainment Options

Nov. 24, 2022 -> Viewers Overwhelmed With Entertainment Options

This is going to come as a terrible shock to the people who run the content creation, production, and distribution companies, as well as their analysts and stockholders: There are people on this planet who don’t go to movie theaters, watch appointment TV, or stream their entertainment.   Allan McLennan, CE

November 24, 2022


A Dive into the 8K Future with Industry Veteran Allan McLennan

A Dive into the 8K Future with Industry Veteran Allan McLennan

Drilling to the essence of 8K, McLennan sees an 8K stream having the potential to provide not only higher quality image but also more content; it’s a multi-layered, more efficient pipe. There is room for more information, even if it’s unclear what all of it will be. And therein may be where an 8K capable delivery s

October 19, 2022

By: 8K Association Newsletter